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Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world

Author: When the cicadas cry

Traveling under one person and becoming Zhang Zhiwei's junior brother, Zhang Taichu awakened the Immortal Path System of All Powers at the beginning. As long as he recruits disciples, he can feedback his cultivation level.

However, due to his violent personality, Zhang Taichu had no intention of accepting a disciple. He cultivated to the status of an immortal by relying only on his talent. After learning that Zhang Huaiyi was forced to defect and Tian Jinzhong was deposed, he went down the mountain in anger.

Zhang Taichu: "Why should I care about what the world thinks when I have invincible strength? I just want to avenge Lao Tian! Why should the big-eared thief return to Longhu Mountain so that Master can protect him? Wherever the Heavenly Master is, this is the place. It's Longhu Mountain!" So, Zhang Taichu, one man and one sword, directly killed through the alien world, and even challenged the aliens from all over the world in Guanshan Canyon, personally killing all the major families and ending the Jiashen Rebellion!

For this reason, in order to protect him, Heavenly Master Zhang Jingqing had no choice but to let Zhang Taichu face the wall at Longhu Mountain for decades to cultivate his moral integrity!

It wasn't until Luo Tian's Great Jiao was held and strangers from all over the world gathered at Longhu Mountain that senior brother Zhang Zhiwei realized that this brother, the God of Death, had been facing the wall for more than seventy years, but his personality had not changed at all!

Is it harder to get admitted to your junior college than Qingbei?

Author: Become a god by fishing

After Su Bai traveled through time and was bound to the college system, his first task was to establish a world-class top university within three months. \n

In order to build the school, he invited people all over the world in the name of mountains and rivers to build mountains and rivers with everyone! \n

However, these remarks have aroused dissatisfaction among some people and want to smear it. This is nothing more than a broken college. \n

It wasn't until after school started that everyone gradually discovered that this junior college seemed a little unusual? \n

"Whose junior college admission score is over 600, which is higher than Qingbei. What the hell is this?"\n

"What? A freshman actually solved one of the top ten conjectures in mathematics?"\n

"What? The dean of Shanhe University is actually a national academician?!"\n

"What? A junior college at Shanhe University developed controllable nuclear fusion???"\n


Eagle Sauce: Sanctions! Sanctions must be made! \n

Yingjiang, are you crazy? Instead of imposing sanctions on Qingbei, you instead focus on sanctioning a junior college and labeling this junior college a national strategic threat? \n

Yingjiang, you issued dozens of new sanctions and regulations just to target a junior college? \n

Later, as Shanhe University achieved absolute leadership in various fields, photolithography machines, AI artificial intelligence, controllable nuclear fusion, supersonic missiles, new stealth fighters... appeared. \n

Only then did everyone discover that Shanhe University had unknowingly become the number one university in the world and made an indelible and significant contribution to China!

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