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Become a member of Bai Yueguang in the horror game

Author: A Li who is paranoid about being loved

[No CP + gentle fishing type heartthrob heroine + heroine who is crazy loved by all players and ghosts + single arrow for all members + large-scale male competition scene] Due to the departure of the Bai Yueguang system, Lin Ling was assigned to a horror game. The task is Become the white moonlight for ghosts and players.

Lin Ling has a pair of gentle, watery eyes that look at everyone with affection. Every move she makes touches the hearts of others. She doesn't mention love at all, but makes all living creatures fall madly in love with her.

Note: Lin Ling's identity is a player, everything she does is for the mission, she is gentle but very cold-blooded!

! ! [Nanfeng School] She is the senior sister on campus. He will gently use concealer to cover up the red marks on the neck of a hanged female ghost, protect classmates who are ghosts, and help players who fall down after being chased by ghosts.

But in the end, she fell from a tall building amidst the painful and desperate wails of the ghosts and monsters, and became their obsession.

Eventually the copy had to be shut down due to the ghosts crashing. [Hell Train] She is the conductor of train K748.

He will comfort a colleague who is heartbroken because he killed his boyfriend, give candy to a child who kicked his head like a ball in the middle of the night, and help bandage the wounds of a player who was left behind.

But when the train reached the end, she died in the hands of criminals who didn't want her. In the end, the train never started again.

[The end of the world is coming] She is a blind woman who has a dog. He will rub the head of a mutated adult's Xiu Gou affectionately, pass mineral water to the zombie king who delivers supplies, and comfort players with claustrophobia.

But when she regained her sight, the irrational players ate her up. The player who finally wakes up gives up and leaves the instance.

Finally, please give me five little stars, I love you so much~

How did I become an F1 driver?

Author: lqlianqing

Qin Miao discovered that he had the talent to become a top e-sports driver. Because he only took the time to play with the simulator during the college entrance examination, he was surprised to find that he had the ability to compete with other professional e-sports drivers.

You must know that he has developed this ability just by playing casually. If he can concentrate on practicing, Qin Miao will definitely have a bright future as an e-sports driver.

Qin Miao had already made plans to become an e-sports driver after failing the college entrance examination. But on an extremely ordinary day, Qin Miao obtained the system.

However, Qin Miao still knows that even if he obtains the system, he is unlikely to become an official F1 driver.

Because he was already 19 years old when he obtained the system, and Qin Miao had not been exposed to anything related to racing before the age of 19.

Two years later: Xiao Zhou: There is no doubt that Qin Miao is a very talented driver, but I feel that racing is just a profession for him. His real hobbies are live broadcasting and playing games.

Lekou: Qin? Kimi is just the second generation. But then again, he's really good at CSGO, and he brought me the big world.

Old Man: Qin is a pure person. In his life there are only racing... and video games. Dutch White Wolf: I have nothing good to say about him.

Bihi: As long as he spends half of his time playing games on the emulator, he has achieved far more than that!

Horner: I admire Qin very much. He is a natural F1 driver and a pure person. I very much hope that he can join Red Bull and become a member of us.

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