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Sir, please put on this yellow robe!

Author: Chase the knife

When he woke up, Qin Yu traveled to the ancient Tang Dynasty and became a centurion in the army.

He was ordered to garrison Tunliu City.

However, Tunliu City was besieged by the Qi army. The food and grass in the city were cut off, and the morale of the army was shattered.

The soldiers ate rats and gnawed tree bark, the captain escaped, and there were enemy troops eyeing him outside the city. Qin Yu awakened the time-traveling comprehensive system.

Start with unlimited steamed buns and soy milk, and get a large number of supplies such as bows, arrows, and cotton clothing.

In order to prevent the enemy from breaking through the city and to survive, Qin Yu rebuilt the morale of the army, gathered all the troops, and ate four meals a day, including steamed buns and soy milk. The enemy was shivering in the cold winter, so Qin Yu and his men wore cotton clothes to taunt the enemy.

Day 1: Centurion Qin’s life-saving grace is unforgettable. The centurion has already run away. Centurion, you should run away too.

The next day: Centurion Qin is our reborn parent. How about you become our centurion? We will always be loyal to you!

Day 9: What! The general of Zhenguo said that the commander of Qin's commander escaped from the battle and wanted to kill the commander of Qin's commander! Come with me, brothers, we will kill this bullshit general tonight! Rescue Captain Qin Qian!


Half a month later: Congratulations to Commander Qin Qian for becoming the county captain! We are willing to follow the adults!

A year later: Qin Yu organized 30,000 cavalry and attacked the capital of Chu State, scaring Chu State into moving its capital overnight.

Three years later: Qin Yu entered the capital and was granted a title, and his subordinates suddenly put robes on him.

"Sir, there are many evil spirits in this Tang city. Wear a yellow robe to avoid evil spirits."

Qin Yu was a little confused when he looked at the golden dragon and yellow robe on his body. I treat you like brothers and sisters. Isn't it just steamed buns and soy milk that are enough? Why do you keep forcing me to rebel?

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