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The experience of living in the cold palace

Author: Fire balloon

Good news: Time traveled. Bad news: I traveled through time and became a eunuch. Li Xuan wanted to cry but had no tears. He was ready to lie down and live out his life.

Unexpectedly, after contacting a concubine in the cold palace, the golden finger would be activated. Not only can you obtain any of the abilities of the concubine, but you can also gain an experience bonus.

The higher the favorability of the concubine, the higher the experience points gained every hour. Experience points can improve the progress of martial arts, Taoism, alchemy, talismans and other abilities.

So, in this troubled world where evil spirits and beasts were everywhere, Li Xuan stayed in the cold palace silently, practicing all the top martial arts and Taoist techniques to perfection.

"The Burning Lamp Technique": practice to perfection, visualize the ancient Buddha that burns the lantern, and destroy all evil spirits in the world. "Thunder Tiger Giant Spirit Fist": With one punch, the thunder sound of tiger and leopard increases exponentially.

"Kunpeng Breathing Method": Whether it is the internal organs, muscles and bones, any injury will be healed between breaths.

"The Seven Killing Swords of Dielang": Each sword is stronger than the other. A shocking strike can split mountains and split rivers. Until many years later, heroes from all walks of life broke through the city gates, came to the palace, and massacred wantonly.

Li Xuan was forced to take action. With a wave of his hand, all the overlords and geniuses were wiped out! He said helplessly: "I just want to live a peaceful life, why are you forcing me?!" Ps: This book is also called "How can this eunuch be so strong?"

"I learned the magic skills in one day" "From a young eunuch to the ruler of the world"

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The little milk bag goes down the mountain and learns about the metaphysics.

Author: Lemon fish head

Tang Xuan is a ruthless and domineering president with a paralyzed face. One day, Tang Xuan received a call. The young lady on the phone had a sweet voice: "Hello, is this Mr. Tang Xuantang? This is the XXX police station. Your daughter is here. Please come and pick her up..." Tang Xuan He hung up the phone without hesitation. This scam call was too low-level. Where did he get his daughter from?

Later, Tang Xuan looked at the paternity test report and fell silent: Is it really his daughter? After Xiao Naibao returned to the Tang family.

Grandpa Tang and Grandma Tang: Poor Guaiguai, she must have suffered a lot and been tired out there. Buy her shopping, buy her all over Haicheng, and even the world.

The initial attitude of the four grandsons of the Tang family: Cousin? What cousin, we don’t need. Later, four cousins ​​rushed to each other: This is my sister, my sister!

! ! Tangtang, the young disciple of the master of Yunshan Temple, lived a happy life when she was doted on by her master and her senior brothers. Unfortunately, something happened to her master and senior brother. She rushed down the mountain and unexpectedly found her biological father.

The little girl who just met her biological father: Wow, this uncle is so full of merit and gold, and also full of death energy, what a strange uncle.

After a while, the little girl was shocked: What, this strange uncle is actually her biological father?

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