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Don’t be a licking dog when you are reborn.

Author: Night Shadow Lover

"Ji Feng, I don't want to fall in love now." Ji Feng, who was ruthlessly rejected, has been kissing Gu Xueting for 10 years. From campus to wedding dress, it was just her marrying someone else.

I licked until the end and said nothing, but I was still able to hold up the wine glass.

"I wish you happiness!" Feiyangyang handed him cigarettes when he came. After regaining his life, Ji Feng no longer licks the dog, but Bai Yueguang is anxious.

Gu Xueting: "Ji Feng, if you keep doing this, I will ignore you."

"Ji Feng, you were not like this before."

"Ji Feng, why are you doing this to me."

"Ji Feng, let's go back to the past." Gu Xueting: "Ji Feng, I want to buy sleeping pills." Ji Feng: "Hey, you can't sleep? You can't buy this medicine casually." Gu Xueting: "I want to commit suicide, commit suicide ...Are you still there, Ji Feng?" Ji Feng said in a panic: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll be there right away, three bottles, are three bottles enough?" ... After rebirth, Ji Feng returned to the age of being a dog licker and a gangster.

In order to lick the former white moonlight, he actually blocked the cold school beauty in the construction site. Looking at the pretty face so close, looking at the white neck under the raven hair, his feet were not visible when he lowered his head.

Monsoon is silent.

"I'm such a beast!" If you want to live your life again, you should stop being a bitch, right? [This book is also called "Warm Monsoon"]

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