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The journey from bricklayer to richest man

Author: Chenyue

Based on real contemporary social events, this article strives to truly reflect the living conditions of a group of people at the bottom of society who are struggling to survive and struggle against their fate at the bottom of society. It strives to reproduce a series of real social backgrounds such as corporate restructuring and rural land contracting at that time. In a difficult environment, in the face of the interests of the country and the nation, we have always stayed true to our original aspirations, adhered to the right path, and demonstrated the true nature of justice. We have sought to make arrangements in advance in multiple industries and fields, with the first priority being to develop Chinese science and technology, build industrial infrastructure, and enrich the people and strengthen the country. , establish and guide the correct mainstream ideology and values, step by step from small to large, from weak to strong, from the construction of material foundation to the formation of mainstream ideology, from the completion of personal wealth freedom, to the overall improvement of the regional economy.

The protagonist has transformed from a hot-blooded young man who hates evil to one who knows how to accept, endure, and give in. He no longer insists on being the strong one when encountering problems.

From the youthful character traits to the natural and mature masculine charm, he is also eager to try to deeply expose and explore the nature of human nature and capital.

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