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The Sword Lord ascended to heaven with his beauty, but his original wife who died early was revived!

Author: Yozan Ao

After Fu Qingyu died, her soul traveled to modern times and saw a best-selling novel.

Incidentally, this is a male protagonist studying fairy tales. In the novel, after keeping mourning for his deceased wife for decades, he becomes obsessed with the beauty and eventually has more than thirty beauties. He is her husband.

The husband's red sleeves add fragrance, his wife who died young has long been forgotten to the horizon, and their only son lives a miserable life.

Father and son turned against each other, and the son failed to kill his father, but was stabbed to death by the beauty next to his father.

Fu Qingyu was heartbroken when she saw this. She wished she could slip into the book and kill the dog man to avenge her son!

In a fit of rage, she actually became angry.

You dog man, if you dare to bully my son, you will risk your life!


Qianyang Sword Master practiced hard and vowed to avenge his wife's family that was exterminated. After forty-nine years of hard training, he achieved a breakthrough and achieved a distinguished position.

The first thing after surviving the thunderstorm is to go to the grave to pay homage to his deceased wife.

Looking at the empty grave, I was dumbfounded.

Which grandson dug his wife's grave?

This hatred is irreconcilable. No matter where he pursues him, he will definitely kill the thief with his own hands and avenge the grave-digging!

On the way to trace the truth, he accidentally discovered a mortal woman from Dongzhou whose appearance and temperament closely resembled those of his late wife.

After many days of observation, he finally determined that this woman was his deceased wife!

The Qianyang Sword Master wept with joy and went to recognize him, but was rejected. He was also angrily accused of being heartless and cold-blooded.

After a long time, he realized that his deceased wife was brought to life by a book of human stories.

Those words actually falsely accused him of countless beauties and harming his parents and children...

The criticism is harmed, and the words are misleading!

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