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Spring night kiss

Author: Fu Wuyao

(Double purity in the year, the flowers of the high mountain descend to the altar.)

In the summer of 2021, Jiang Tan met Zhou Yingzhun for the first time.

The man grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a shady corner, "Jiang Tan, the shortcut is right here, can you take it?

Jiang Tan heard this and looked up at him.

Jiang Tan loved Zhou Yinghuai. I love that his eyebrows are reserved and his smile is indifferent. I love that he is always calm and never moved. But this is not the sadistic sincerity of a good man and a woman, but a tacit exchange.

It just so happened that it was Jiang Tan who abandoned the rules and chose to fall in love. Her shoulders were covered with heavy snow and her voice was desolate: "Zhou Yingzhun, don't like her, but love her."

The man's eyebrows were dull and he was rarely serious: "Tantan, I don't have such a thing at all."

She left on a snowy night. Zhou Yingzhun didn't say a word to persuade her to stay, but the lights stayed on all night.

In the summer of 2023, Jiang Tan's business started to take shape, and the previously low-key man attended various meetings and occupied the front page headlines. He was wealthy and beautiful.

Jiang Tan looked at the mole in the corner of his eye, tapped the screen with her fingertips, and felt her heart suffocate.

They met again as strangers at the conference table. Jiang Tan and his subordinates fought and retreated steadily. The man occupies the dominant position and watches with cold eyes.

After the meeting, Jiang Tan gritted his teeth and cleaned up. Zhou Yinghuai raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a calm tone, "Jiang Tan, long time no see."

Jiang Tan walked away without looking back.

Finally, as the night went by in Yangshan Port, Jiang Tan was drunk in the corner, and Zhou Yingzhun walked over nonchalantly, chewing a cigarette and holding high heels in his hand.

In full view of everyone, the most indifferent man bent down to put on her shoes.

And her voice was choked, "Zhou Yingzhun, you don't love me, why did you come to my dream?"

The man's eyes were dark, and after a while, he said softly: "Tantan, can I set off fireworks for you in your dream to apologize?"

I've tried everything you mentioned in this world, and I still only like you.

One by one I will ask her to come back, I will ask her to love me.

Extremely calm, deeply infatuated

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