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After giving birth to children for Prince Gusha one after another, she became a royal concubine.

Author: Autumn is very long

[Shuangjie+1V1+Multiple Children+Sweet Pet+House Fight and Palace Fight]\nIn the 40th year of Xihe, Lu Qing became the maid of the King of Jin.

\nShe knew very well that she wanted to take advantage of King Jin's favor to give birth to a child as soon as possible so that she could gain a foothold in the palace.

\nFor eight years, while fighting wits and courage with other women in the backyard, she tried her best to climb to the position of concubine and gave birth to four sons and one daughter for King Jin.

\nAfter the King of Jin inherited the throne, Lu Qing rose from a side concubine to a noble concubine of the Ming Dynasty, enjoying the exclusive favor of the emperor. \n**\n——In the spring of the 20th year of Zhenghe, Emperor Chan took his place as the crown prince and left the capital with his concubine for White Crane City.

Three years later, the Ming Dynasty's imperial concubine Wei passed away. The emperor was in great mourning and named his imperial concubine the Queen of the Wei family, with the posthumous title of Queen Yuanyi.

Another year, the emperor was too worried, fell seriously ill, and the medicine and stone were of no use. He died in the middle of a drizzling night, and the emperor and his queen were buried together in Baihe City.

\nIn fact, Yan Fuguang doesn't understand what love is. He only knows that he and Wei Luqing will live in the same quilt and die in the same acupuncture point.

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