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Waiting for people to return home in the wind and snow

Author: Xiaoxiao

A post-apocalyptic supernatural power story, high martial arts, forbearance, attack x tenacity, crazy criticism

There are a lot of worldview/character fragments in the story, it is recommended to keep it


Since the first strange snowstorm fell, the distorted train wrapped around the world and rushed towards the cliff.

The body mutates, the mental entropy increases, and the destruction of civilization is just around the corner.

When Qin Zhilu met An Yu for the first time, he almost shot him to death.

A genetically inferior pariah from the slums survived an attack by a super freak and mysteriously killed him.

Those golden eyes were clear and empty, but its owner perfectly concealed his own distortion.

This person is destined to be a risk that humans cannot bear.

But then, the slum where An Yu grew up suddenly fell into trouble.

The orphanage he stayed in turned out to be in trouble as early as the year he left.

The broken prophecies finally converged on this fragile figure.

This person is also destined to be the last step to put the brakes on the world.

More importantly, when he knelt under his gun, Qin Zhilu felt something familiar.

He eventually put his gun away and supervised the risk.

Accompanying him to carry the torch into the abyss, giving birth to thorns and edges, growing into a solid line of human defense.

He stood behind him in times of desperate situations.

Just like he had done to him all those long ago forgotten years ago.


"He is the last corner of the world."

"I will stay with you, sir, until the moment we both burn out."


1. High martial arts, forbearance, attack x tenacity, crazy criticism and support; main support; attack, cultivation and belief support.

2. A story about a grown-up male protagonist with a slight group portrait.

3. The protagonist is a god, and the ability system is dimensionally reduced and strikes; but it also has obvious weaknesses, making it a non-traditional and cool story.

4. The protagonist is usually stable, but will go crazy when he loses control. The two states will gradually merge as he grows up, and he is not a dual personality.

5. The two pictures on the cover are feelings, which are his two mental states.

6. Except for Shou, all members have some extra-human characteristics.

7. Character stories and worldview fragments will be dropped from Zuohua, it is strongly recommended to keep them!

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