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Trapping and criticizing traitorous ministers, almost made him cry

Author: Chasing dreams tonight

[Farming + Crazy Batch + Redemption + Wearing Books + System]\n[Smart and beautiful Camellia vs. the cruel and cruel traitor]\nJiang Qiyue went through the book and became the violent villain, the cheap sister of the future Minister of Punishment Jiang Feng.

\nThe book says that Jiang Feng was poor and lonely when he was young. His high status and achievements were all due to his meticulous thinking and ruthless means.

\nIn Jiang Xiyue's view, the villain Jiang Feng has few relatives, is cold in love, does not love beauty, loves power, follows the rebel king wholeheartedly, kills loyal ministers, and punishes good generals. He stirs up trouble in the government and shakes the foundation of the country, so he should be offline at the earliest. .

\nUnexpectedly, when she opened her eyes again, Jiang Xiyue discovered to her horror that she had become Jiang Feng's cheap sister when he was a teenager.

\nSeeing the malnourished little villain being framed by his original body, having his legs broken by the vicious stepmother and father, and being thrown into the sewage to rot into a ball, Jiang Qiyue's heart trembled.

\nRecalling that he later discovered one hundred and sixty-eight sets of interrogation tools from the Ministry of Punishments, and what happened to him when he was turned into a human skin lantern, Jiang Xiyue shivered and immediately gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

\nAlthough the opportunity is lost, it is not too late. \nThe little villain is in a miserable situation now, but if she increases her favorability and hugs her thighs tightly, she will definitely change her miserable fate in the future.

\nWho would have known that her evil-hearted parents would sell her to a brothel just after she was half-embraced? \nJiang Xiyue was sharpening her sword, but before she could take action, she saw with her own eyes that the crazy little villain was leaking liquid and killing his parents.

\nThe warm blood rushed to her cheek, and she realized that the evil wolf would never become a warm dog! \nAfraid of making the same mistake again, Jiang Xiyue seized the opportunity and ran away as he first showed his talents in the court.

Unexpectedly, after leaving, Jiang Feng went completely crazy!

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