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Passerby, she is too strong

Author: Listen to the rain in your spare time

A live broadcast is going on on StarNet.

Several outstanding students from the military academy struggled to survive in the desert.

The rudimentary equipment, harsh environment, and hidden crises all make the audience sweat for them.

"It's so miserable. I got the Desolate Star in the graduation exam. This place is full of desert. I can't survive a day."

"As expected of the outstanding talents cultivated by the empire, no one is left behind."

"Yes, at this time you can see the gap between ordinary people and geniuses."

The audience was full of praise.

Suddenly, a fast-moving shadow appeared in the corner of the screen. The shadow quickly approached, and it turned out to be a girl.

She seemed to be on her way. When she passed by several students, she only glanced at them casually. Without stopping, she walked away as easily as when she came.

The lithe figure was in sharp contrast to the embarrassment of the geniuses.

The audience who was full of praise just now:...

Why can't I praise you anymore?

The students encountered a powerful star beast, and several people cooperated to escape in a thrilling manner.

"Excellent teamwork, perfect!"

"They are so brave! If it were ordinary people, their legs would be weak from fear."

Suddenly, a slow-moving shadow appeared in the corner of the screen. The shadow gradually came closer. The familiar girl dragged the huge star beast, slowly passed by the center of the screen, and then slowly walked away.

That star beast was chasing the geniuses until they lost their souls half an hour ago.


Who is she? ! ! !

Song Chunshi traveled through the Desolate Star for several years, and suddenly someone came to her door and asked her to send her to school.

Song Chunshi: "Huh?"

Do you know how hard it is to support a family?

A decent person goes to school.

The teacher from the military school rushed over after watching the live broadcast: "...a prestigious imperial school with free tuition, full scholarships, and graduation packages."

Song Chunshi: "Do you think it's too late for us to set off now?"

As a poor student, Song Chunshi was a little excited to get into a prestigious school.

Unexpectedly, during the exams at the beginning of the school year, some extremists hijacked her team and threatened to ask the emperor to step down, otherwise they would torture and kill these students live in front of the entire empire.

Song Chunshi: "Who can bear this?"

Tens of billions of viewers across the empire watched the kidnapping nervously through the live broadcast.

Someone saw Song Chunshi's actions.

"What does that student want to do?"

"Do not impulse!"

[Ding—Congratulations to the host, who successfully performed the martial arts "Spring Breeze Blowing Willows, Heavy Rain Pear Blossoms" and defeated all opponents. 】

Seeing the kidnapper lying on the ground, the audience collectively lost their voices.

"...I just wanted to say it, don't you think that girl looks familiar?"

"I have recognized it a long time ago. Keywords: desert, girl, star beast."

"It's her! That passerby girl!"

Some viewers didn’t know why, but they were shocked——

"You call this a passerby?!!!"

*If there is a male protagonist, you will be reminded when he appears.

[This article will be uploaded to V on 10.18, thank you for your support. 】

Exiled at the beginning, I became the group favorite in the Valley of the Wicked

Author: Yinman

(Strong female, CP Bai Yu)\nShe is the experimental subject of the 21st century underground secret research institute, number 0.

\nCan take things out of thin air and has no empathy. \nOnce reborn, he traveled to an ancient farmhouse. He was hit by a natural disaster just after he was born, and his whole family was exiled just after he was one month old.

\nEveryone says she is a disaster star. \n\nThe grandmother of the Su family sneered, carried her sweet baby, who was just one month old, and ordered the whole family to take their belongings and set off to the place of exile.


"What a bullshit disaster star! If our sweet baby really is a disaster star, I can bear all the disasters by myself!"\nThe youngest of the Su family,

"Carry it together!"\n\nThe place of exile is in chaos, and one swing of the stick can hit three desperadoes.

\nTianbao is as calm as a dog. He slaps the shopkeeper Bai, punches the poisonous old man, beats up the young master of the city lord's house, and gets himself a wanted order from the Nine Kingdoms. His head is worth two thousand gold, and he and his friends and old friends are all on the list. famous.

\nThe Su family lay flat. \nSu A’s milk,

"There are eleven people in the family, and four of them are wanted. We can't control them anymore. Let's do as we please! There are so many lice but it doesn't itch!"\nSu*Tianbao*Jiuni, a girl with facial paralysis,

"..."\nLater, Jiu Guo knelt down and cried. \n\nWalking freely and freely in the rivers and lakes, Tianbao is always followed by a carefree and uninhibited young man in white.

"Tianbao, Jiu'er, wait for me~"

The Buddha broke the precept because of love and kissed her every day

Author: Peijin

Six years ago, her family plotted against her and she had no choice but to fall in love with the prince of the Huo family who loved Buddhist beads. She had a dark knot in her beaded fetus and gave birth to three cubs in ten months of pregnancy.

Six years later, she returned domineeringly with her cub. While torturing the scumbag, she also entangled the prince, who had already fallen in love with him back then. She was charming and seductive, acting coquettishly and showing weakness, all at her ease.

The cute baby specially hacked into the system of her father's company just to create opportunities for her parents to meet and get along with each other.

People in the circle said that the Crown Prince had a noble status, and even with the help of a cute child, it was not something that an adopted daughter like her who was abandoned by the Su family could reach. As a result, her vests exploded, shocking everyone.

But everyone also said that it doesn't matter if she has too many waistcoats. Mr. Huo is an ascetic Buddhist who cannot be touched. He will definitely be unmoved by her entanglement. Sooner or later, he will be annoyed and drive her away, until Mr. Huo makes a fancy wall bang. Her video went viral and shocked everyone again.

Only then did they discover that the aloof Buddha, when he met the right person, was willing to fall from the altar for her and try the seven emotions and six desires in the world.

Mr. Huo, who was being talked about so much, was pressing her against the wall and kissing her until the corners of her eyes turned red. Then he reluctantly let go of her and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Baby, the children have grown up. Let's go again." Give them a younger brother and sister, okay?"

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