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Starting as a baby, whose parents are yellow-haired girls?

Author: Lingling one zero

Zhang Chaoqiang had no father or mother in his previous life, and eventually died on the street. In a trance, there was the sound of the Great Dao surrounding his ears. The reincarnated Buddha told him that as long as he had done good deeds and accumulated virtue for three lives, he could be reincarnated into a good family. Not to mention that the family was a giant that dominated the world, but at least it was a family of cultivators, and his parents were talented people. They are a beautiful couple, gods and heroes, and their own qualifications are unparalleled in the world to make up for the tragic regrets in their previous lives.

After accumulating merit in three lives, Zhang Chaoqiang was successfully reincarnated. Only then did he discover that... his father was Huang Mao, a young man with the spirit of killing Matt, and his mother had a tattoo on her nose and navel. Although she was not born in a toilet or in the grass, but... her parents were not born either. Money to pay hospital bills…

"Reincarnated Buddha, I'm ***?!"... Fortunately, Zhang Chaoqiang activated his talent [Growth in Adversity] to achieve [Nine Meals in Three Days]: Accurate Nutritional Absorption +3. Achieved [Gaga Formation]: Physical Strength +2 Witness [ Father's Smoking Control Technique]: Activate [Elementary Control], Control Power +5 Watch [Shamate Martian Text]: Activate [Elementary Insight], Mental Power +1 In this modern world full of monsters, secret realms and battlefields, slowly proceed Zhang Chaoqiang, who was raised strangely, has no adversity anymore.

This book is also known as "Jide III, Will You Give Me a Start in Hell?" and "My Life of Growth in Adversity"

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Crematorium for all members, Bai Yueguang just wants to pursue a career

Author: Li Mu MU

[Time travel + woman disguised as a man + rebirth of all members + broken mirrors and no reunion + crematorium of all members] Jiang Yan died silently in that heavy snow.

\nIn the moment before I was drowsy, I looked back at half my life with regret. \nWhen Jiang Yan was born, her mother died in childbirth, and she has been labeled a child since she was a child.

His father disliked him, his elder brothers were not close to him, and he was bullied by his young and flamboyant cousin. Even the little beggar he had saved since he was a child had to draw a clear line between himself and himself after becoming a highly respected person.

\nShen Huaizhi's accidental help made her fall in love at first sight. Therefore, when her brother asked her if she was willing to marry into the Shen family, she hurriedly agreed.

\nThree years after they got married, Jiang Yan washed hands and made soup for Shen Huaizhi and slept in the same bed every night. Even though Shen Huaizhi was indifferent to everyone, Jiang Yan felt that she was always different in his heart.

\nUntil she became seriously ill and lingered on the bed, she could not even see Shen Huai until her death. \nOpening her eyes again, her memory awakened. It was ridiculous that she had wasted half her life with the golden finger of time travel.

\nIn this life, she changed her name after escaping and disguised herself as a man, just to stay away from the right and wrong of her previous life.

\nBut why didn't anyone tell her that those people in her previous life were also reborn! \n…………\nThe cold and self-possessed husband’s eyes were slightly red, and he held on to her sleeve: Yanyan, would you like to take another look at your husband?

\nThe cold and rigid brother prayed with eyes: Yan'er, brother is wrong. \nThe young and flamboyant cousin's hair was tied up and messy: Jiang Yanyan, please don't leave, okay?

\nThe extremely humane little beggar looked at her with dark eyes and paranoia: Sister, please save me again. \n【My rebirth is actually everyone's white moonlight】

Immortal Xia: The immortal touches my head, and I grant the immortal immortality.

Author: The wind rises from the mountains

After accidentally traveling through time, Gu Ning'an landed in a barren mountain grotto.

There is a corpse in the cave, it looks like it was eaten by a big insect...

Next to the corpse is a rusty hatchet and a "Tao" cultivation technique!

Gu Ning'an relied on his sword to find food and shelter, and relied on his skills to learn immortality!

Five years later, the giant tiger came to the grotto again. Gu Ning'an was shocked to realize that his end was approaching. He hurriedly used the stone to kill the tiger. Then he felt that he had the power to survive, so he went down the mountain and traveled for five years.

While traveling somewhere, Gu Ning'an suddenly saw a bookseller, who also had three copies of "The Way" in his hands.

After asking around, I found out that the technique he practiced was actually a fake technique that was jokingly called a "storytelling novel"!

Suddenly realizing the truth, Gu Ning'an did not believe in evil, bought three books on Taoism, and went back to the mountain to take a look.

In this view, twenty years have passed by in a hurry, and Gu Ning'an's body, which has fallen into a state of "returning to silence", is illusory and transparent, and it disappears before his eyes.

The people he met during his five years of travel turned into wisps of mortal aura, pulling him away from the state of "returning to silence"...

Returning to heaven and earth, Gu Ning'an "revisited his old place", met his old friends, and found the world of mortals...

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