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Azuma Jinmyo

Author: middle reaches of landscape painting

Geng Xingshuang has been the fifth girl for fourteen years. She did not expect that one day, this ranking would have to be moved back. What she did not expect was that the extra cousin was just the beginning. Next, The development of world affairs is like a wild horse running wild, making people unpredictable and unprepared.

While all the cousins ​​were worried about their own life-long events, Geng Xingshuang was busy sending letters to his sweetheart Linghu.

Go and write: "Brother Qingmo, there have been many things going on in the house recently. I am really disturbed. I have trouble sleeping and eating. My clothes are getting wider and my face is yellow and withered..."

Reply: "With a hundred taels of silver, you can buy gourmet food, clothes, facial cream and hair cream..."

Geng Wu...well, Geng Liu is angry. What she wants is money. Yes, she likes money, but...but...

A few days later, he wrote again, "Change the name, whatever you want!"

Go to the book: "Brother Qingmo..."

The white spirit swan appeared in front of the window with a scroll on its back and wrote "Jade Yao Mountain Travel Notes".

Geng Xingshuang was overjoyed at first, then shuddered, chilled and startled in her heart. She gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice. She started to reply with a sharp brush, her teeth bared and her claws dancing. She wished that the handsome man who always had a calm face was standing in front of her. , and wrote the three characters "***" on his face.

Wen Zhuangyuan fought against Japanese pirates

Author: A flying carpet

According to the "History of the Ming Dynasty", Wuzong, the tenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was playful, greedy, lustful, military-minded, and rogue throughout his life. Many of the things he did were ridiculous and unreasonable, and were criticized by the world. However, Wuzong was resolute and decisive, and he killed Liu Jin with a snap of his fingers. , the rebellion of King Ping'an and King Ning, and the young prince was defeated in Yingzhou.

He worshiped the Eight Tigers and built the Leopard House. He refused to take the throne if he wanted to, and proclaimed himself a mighty general. If you don't live in a royal palace, you can live in the Zhenguo Mansion that you built yourself.

Later generations commented that Wu Zong was debauched, violent, grotesque and shameless, and was a rare faint king. After his death, he was buried in

"Kangling", temple name

"Wuzong". As the saying goes, future generations will comment on the merits and demerits of the ages. After Emperor Wuzong died, Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Houcong, the eleventh emperor of the Ming Dynasty, succeeded to the throne with the reign name Jiajing.

The reign title changed, and the newly enthroned Emperor Jiajing changed the style of Emperor Wuzong, strictly implemented new policies, revitalized the imperial court, and the ministers worshiped him, and the people were happy.

The land of China is like a spring breeze blowing on both sides of the river. A canal running thousands of miles from north to south is built on the water.

"Silk Road", the vast canal is like a giant dragon cruising in the east where the sun rises. Thousands of years of water transportation carry the heavy responsibility of history. She came from north to south to the intersection of north and south - Shanyang County, Huai'an Prefecture.

At this moment, the Japanese island country is eyeing the Ming Dynasty Maritime Silk Road. Japanese pirates have invaded from the waterway many times, burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of evil. For a time, the people's resentment boiled, and it once became a serious problem for the imperial court...

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Daming: I just want to be a small county magistrate.

Author: hand smoked eggs

[History is exciting, if you are looking for something exciting, don’t get involved in historical archeology, don’t take it too seriously! If it's wrong, it's all the dog author's fault!

Life is not easy, leave five stars]\n

"Sir! Under your governance in Fengyang, the people live and work in peace and contentment, with abundant food and feasts in the sea and rivers. But why do you have to report disasters year after year?"\n

"You know nothing! I want to live for two more years!"\nIn the twenty-fifth year of Hongwu, Prince Zhu Biao passed away. When Zhu Yuanzhang was sad, he also had to make a choice for the future successor of the Ming Dynasty. Su Jin came to this world.

\nThis is both a glorious era and a crisis-ridden era. \nBeing the parent official of Fengyang County under Zhu Yuanzhang's rule, Su Jin didn't know whether this was a disaster or a blessing?

\nFaced with what was about to happen in the 26th year of Hongwu, the last of the four major Hongwu cases, the Lanyu case, which was widely implicated, and the Jingnan Campaign a few years later, Su Jin could only hide in Fengyang tremblingly. , vowing not to have anything to do with anyone.

\nBut will fate really let him stay out of the matter so easily as he thinks? \nIs the successor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yunwen, the grandson of the emperor, or Zhu Yunxi?

\nWill the Battle of Jingnan happen again? Will Zhu Di become Emperor Yongle again as he wishes? \nSu Jin didn't know, he only knew that ever since Zhu Yuanzhang took his grandsons to Fengyang for a tour, everything had become involuntary...

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