Week's Top


Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Author: Mario eats chicken breast

At an internal hearing of the Navy, senior Navy officials expressed their opinions on the Navy’s

The "scum" and Beihai Admiral Darren conducted a serious inquiry. \n

"You have improper relationships with royal princesses and noble ladies from many countries in Beihai?"\n

"I care about the people."\nNavy senior executive:...\n

"Then how do you explain the ridiculously high salary of soldiers in the Beihai Navy you lead?"\n

"Otherwise, with the salary from the headquarters, you will let others work for you?"\nNavy senior officials: (ーー゛)\n

"Why does the North Sea Fleet possess Germa technology?"\n

"Military-civilian cooperation, Germa 66 was influenced by my justice."\nNavy senior officials: ( ̄o ̄)\n

"How do you explain the abnormal death of the Tianlong people in Beihai?"\n

"Oh, that was a shipwreck... It's so unfortunate. I personally feel deeply sorry."\nNavy senior executive: (?_??


"The last question, how do you evaluate yourself."\nHearing this, Darren, then the Navy's top officer in the North Sea, bit his cigar and said with a calm smile:\n

"I smoke, drink alcohol, am greedy for money, lustful, fight for power, deceive superiors and deceive subordinates, and do all kinds of evil, but I am a good navy."\nNavy senior executive:?

? ? \nGarp: I can't bear it anymore. Warring States, don't stop me. I'm going to give this kid a beating!

! \nWell, this is the story of a rebellious, fallen naval scum. \nThis book is also known as: "This Navy is a bit rebellious", "Magneto's ability is elegance", "Sorry, my justice is a bit crooked", "I don't want to be a hero"

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Quick Travel: When the host of Meimeijiao is bound to the birth system

Author: Star Dream Bay

[Quick wear + double cleansing + beautiful, charming and charming heroine + good pregnancy + childbirth system + cool writing + silly comedy + sweet pet + all-round double cleansing]\nThe death of Shen Yao, who was only twenty years old After a car accident, in order to extend his life, he was bound to a birth system.

\nEvery time she completes a small world task, she will receive a hundred years of life, 10 billion in wealth and other additional rewards.

\n[World 1: The Ascetic President’s Stunning Secretary] (Complete)\nJiang Jinchuan, a cold and ascetic president who has never been close to women, met the beautiful, charming and charming secretary Shen Yao, and was gradually turned out of control by her. Mainly anti-customer...\n[World 2: The charming little nanny of the cold and heirless boss] (End)\nWen Zheng: "You are pregnant with my seed and you want to marry someone else. Shen Yao, you think I am dead. ?"\n[World 3: The Charming Nanny in the Rough Man's General's Mansion] (End)\n(Note: The male protagonist's child is adopted, Shuangjie!

)\n[World 4: After living together, she was pampered day and night by the young wolf dog] (End)\n[World 5: 70: The cold officer is too fierce, and the delicate one cannot bear it] (End)\n[World 6: Down and out The stunning fake daughter vs. the cold bamboo horse] (End)\n[World 7: The canary of the wealthy boss runs with the ball] (End)\n[World 8: The end of the world: The stunning beauty is ruthless and flirtatious] (End)\n n【World Nine: Beast World: Cold Black Dragon vs Enchanting Fox】\n……\n……\n\n……

The five-year-old princess is so fierce that she gets scolded even if the dog passes by

Author: Lu Chuyi

The general Zhenguo was careless during the war and lost his territory. He apologized with tears: "The father has sinned and the daughter has to pay." So he pushed his youngest daughter into the arms of the commander-in-chief, the King of War.

Si Nannan: "?" As the first girl in the general's palace in three hundred years, her five brothers doted on her to the heavens, and her seven masters taught her lifelong skills. Her parents prepared a dowry of tens of millions for her, and she was domineering and domineering. , any dog ​​that passes by her will be scolded twice.

She doesn't like this ugly Ninth Prince War King who wears a mask all day long and has a weird temper! On the first day of apologizing for his father, he tore up the famous painting that the War King had collected for many years.

The next day, the courtyard wall of Prince Zhan's Mansion was demolished. On the third day, he beat away his eighteen-room concubine. On the eighteenth day, she said in a coquettish voice: "Bad War King, if you don't send me back to the General's Mansion, I will marry the emperor and be your stepmother!" - Feng Zhiyou has a cold nature and travels all over the battlefield all year round. , what I hate the most is this little milk bag that can be kicked twenty meters away.

But as we live our lives, why do we feel that these little buns are so soft and delicious? -The fierce king of the current dynasty, if he bumps into the super cool and domineering little boy of the general's palace, he will definitely fight you to the death, and the world will fall apart!

When everyone was gearing up to watch the show, they saw the cold-blooded King holding a small milk bag and coaxing softly: "Nannan, good boy, as long as you don't cry, I will listen to you in everything from now on."

Out of control and charming

Author: charming

Huo Zhixu was a wild and unrestrained lover of freedom, but was suddenly called back to his country. Within a week, news of the marriage between Mr. Huo and the heir of the Li family leaked out.

I heard that Miss Li personally selected Huo Zhixu.

"I remember Miss Li is engaged to my eldest brother." He looked at the quiet girl and smiled lightly: "You and I are just in-laws of the Huo and Li families, and I like you more." We haven't met each other a few times, Only a fool would believe her lies.

Li Lucen handed over the pre-written agreement.

"Our two families have always been close. You should not have a more suitable candidate at the moment. After three months, if you have other choices, I will take the initiative to terminate the engagement, and I will explain to both parents."

"..." Just when Huo Zhixu really wanted to believe that Li Lucen fell in love with him at first sight, he suddenly found a document on her computer.

His name appeared prominently on the front page, followed by the names of other men. Huo Zhixu's face instantly darkened. Was she an ancient emperor choosing a concubine?

——Second Young Master Huo thought he could get rid of Li Lucen as long as he endured it for three months. In the first week, I was too clingy and annoying.

In the fifth week, what is she busy with? Week 10, Li Lucen, do you want to get your certificate? ——After the marriage, Huo Zhixu was worried about the list and childishly confirmed it on the bed many times.

"Why did you choose me?"

"I like you."

"Tell the truth." Li Lucen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Huo Zhixu probably didn't remember that many years ago, she was crying under the sunset.

"Brother, I can't learn. I'm so stupid."

"You're not stupid, my brother will teach you, and we'll keep riding until you can."

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