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The Three Kingdoms of Gaowu: Immortality begins with the change of fate sequence

Author: I don't know how to coo

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the gods and ghosts will return. In the world of the Three Kingdoms, which combines the legend of the emperor and the mysteries of magical weapons, there are demons and demons who divide the territory and split the land, hoping to change the world; there are hidden dragons fighting for hegemony in the thirteen states, hoping to establish a country and ascend.

The fate star ascended to the sky, and the fate reversed. Xiang Ji, who had a plan to change his life, accidentally fell into the chaos of the "descendants of the Overlord". He fought with one sword and seven strikes of purple thunder in this chaotic dance of monsters, life and death. Fight for heaven with one sword!

Twenty-eight magical power sequences, the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty opened up a new way of martial arts. Will demons, gods and Buddhas return to the earth, or will the emperors of all ages survive the catastrophe together?

In troubled times, should we unify the country and achieve a lasting legacy, or should we wield a sword and move freely across the country to control the future?

Acquired fate: Fudo Mingwang, Cang Tian Hegemon, Benevolent Dark Emperor, Xuanyuan Zhongchu Wusheng, Pangu Kaitian Emperor... Tianji Luck: Stargazing, Wusheng, Pojun, Xiongluan... Daoguo Star Chart: Twenty-eight stars, four true spirits... the sky is filled with gods and Buddhas.

The background of the Three Kingdoms is an imaginary world. It is not a rigorous historical text, so please bear with me.

He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Author: Tsing Yi dyed snow

Traveling through a parallel world, Chen Ke became an official LPL commentator. After activating the system on the commentator's desk, Chen Ke began to only play real games.

Looking at the game screen, a certain AD player suddenly died suddenly and gave away a big blow, resulting in a comeback. Chen Ke couldn't help it: "To be honest, there are people on Taobo who don't want to win."

"With both moves in hand, I can be instantly defeated. I can press this wave to flash."

"As expected of Q Dirty Dancing, even Q can eat it."

"You don't have any shame. If you keep going like this, you will lose to Vietnam." As soon as he finished speaking, the whole audience was shocked and the barrage exploded.

The commentary partner did not dare to answer the phone throughout the whole process, and the director was so frightened that he almost pinched the microphone on the spot. Brother's fans gave up as soon as they heard this. After violently blasting Chen Ke immediately after the game, they realized that Chen Ke was not targeting his brother. He would criticize anyone he caught.

"One person eats four lanes, and there is zero output in a team battle?"

"If you dare to catch me on the road, you dare to die. Timely Rain lives up to its reputation!"

"Who voted for this damn FMVP? Emperor Chi is your father?"

"You don't have to worry about contract issues when you go to RNG. RNG never gets stuck with pens!"

"..." Fans: "This kid is so loud when he opens his mouth. Is he going to die?"

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