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Start to live forever, live till the end of time

Author: Zi Ling Fengxue

[Not a cool novel + ordinary daily life + relaxed and humorous + no heroine + no knife + King Gou] Be cautious when entering this pit.

An immortality novel that spans several great eras of immortality from the perspective of an immortal. From an ordinary mountain village, he walks out of a small realm and enters the great world of immortality. He experiences the era of vigorous development of the world of immortality, the era of golden heyday, the era of the collapse of rules, and the great dark turmoil. The era, the era when all spirits are silent... Chen Xun traveled to the vast world of immortality, awakened the immortality system, and even gave an immortal spirit beast as a companion.

I, Chen Xun, have no interest in fighting and killing, nor do I want to provoke anyone. I just want to take Lao Niu to see the prosperity of the world.

One inadvertent moment, he revealed the three mountain axes on his waist, and the other inadvertently revealed his sixteen-pack abs.

He slowly put on the bandit's hood and smiled gloomily: "I, Chen Xun, and Lao Niu are the most reasonable." The whole world trembled, and he... put it on.

The fireball technique in the Qi refining period was suddenly activated, as if it was multiplied thousands of times. The endless karma burned the sky, and all souls were extinguished...

"Although your Excellency is very strong, you are not strong enough for me to use the third mountain axe." -Nicholas the Rough Bandit, Chen Xun.

Horrifying national fortunes, the little old lady is very bad

Author: Jin San'er

[No CP + live broadcast + national luck + thriller game + farming. It's nonsensical, light-hearted and funny, not serious and scary, not serious about the fate of the country.

】\nLittle old lady Dong Shuzhen is sixty-five years old. \nThe little old lady finally retired and started traveling.

\nUnexpectedly, she fell asleep on the plane and woke up and traveled through time. \nDressed as a little old lady with the same name and age.

\nThe history of this world and the country is similar to her original world. The difference is probably that everyone in the original world has to enter the thriller game after the age of 18. Because of the thriller game, the country is very developed, high-tech, and rich in resources.

\nThere are no thriller games in this world. The country's development is average, and its technological development is average. Most importantly, this world has serious resource consumption and a serious shortage of resources. Many wars for resources have broken out.

\nFor the little old lady, as long as it doesn't hinder her retirement, everything else doesn't matter. \nWho would have known that even if her first trip failed, she would be dragged into the horror of national destiny again.

\nLittle old lady:

"..."\nI just want to retire! Take a trip! \nFortunately, the little old lady is not picky. \nFrom then on, in the world of horror, there was an old child who was not afraid of anything. She was traveling, and the ghosts were trembling...

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