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The young marshal of the Republic of China revitalized China for 500 years

Author: into stone

[Republic of China+Young Marshal+Struggle for Global Hegemony+Financial War+Single Female Protagonist]\nHan Jiangchuan traveled through time and became the eldest son of Marshal Han of the Chinese Empire.

At this time, it was the meat grinder of Verdun in the East - the Matsudo War. The three German armored divisions of the Chinese Empire were all wiped out in a week; the 80,000 wolf soldiers were killed and more than 70,000 were killed; the 15 divisions of the Hunan Army with 200,000 troops were wiped out and their designations were eventually revoked; the Sichuan Army was defeated with only 300 of the 100,000 troops. There were many people; the Guangdong army, composed of Hakka children, dispatched six divisions, but in the end there were only more than 300 people... In this battle, the empire's three German weapon divisions, the general teaching team, the Hunan army, the Sichuan army, the Guangxi army, and the Guangdong army The Army, the Yunnan Army, the Northwest Army, the Northeast Army... all put aside their past grievances and used their flesh and blood to form the Great Wall of Steel when the Chinese Empire was in its most critical moment.

\nHan Jiangchuan, who awakened his system, turned the tide, drove out the Japanese invaders, controlled the third brother, fought for Europe, and fought against North and South America... China was revitalized... The young marshal revitalized China for five hundred years.

I use my talents to gather authority and build the heaven

Author: Get a spark

Traveling back to the dynasty of the late Ming Dynasty in another world, with the help of a trace of the origin of the past life, talents were developed - eternity and limitlessness.

Step by step, break the upper limit of heaven and earth, and transform an ordinary historical world into a world where spiritual energy is revived and extraordinary manifestations are revealed.

Gather the will of all people, condense the heaven and earth status that can communicate with heaven and earth, and be recognized by heaven and earth; gather the spirituality of all living beings, condense the rules and authority, evolve magical skills, legal authority... communicate the rules, and borrow the power of heaven and earth to use the seventy-two techniques of earth evil.

Control the rules and attribute your power to yourself through the Thirty-Six Methods of Tiangang. National destiny, official positions, laws and regulations... In the end, the dynasty used the power of being one step ahead to gather power, step by step, overthrow the Ming Dynasty and establish the Celestial Dynasty.

Then push all the countries in the world, open up the heaven and the underworld, promote the promotion of the world, connect all the heavens and all the worlds, and evolve the central heavenly world above all the heavens and all the worlds.

Gathering public opinion, heaven and earth connect heaven and earth; establishing a celestial dynasty, officials implement laws and regulations to exercise authority. Gathering spirituality, rules and authority turn into supernatural powers; accepting rules, magical powers and magic develop the avenue.

Civilization and martial arts, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, weird stories, demons and gods...

Prince, she is cheating people to get a job again

Author: month by month

Old title: "My Fiancée Became the Emperor Behind My Back"


When Xiao Yungang traveled through time and became a prince disguised as a man, he was in ecstasy.

When she found out that she was the former prince who died tragically in the novel, she put her clothes away as quickly as possible and ran out, only to see ruins outside the city and the flames had not stopped.

She wanted to save the world, but she had no money and no one.

Xiao Yun tightly held the script of "The Love of the Country: Tears of Beauty in Troubled Times" and took advantage of the early stage of the plot to recruit all the talents he met to work for him.

Faced with the unjust rich man who has been giving out money and has been looked down upon by others.

Xiao Yun: Invest in me and I will help you realize your dream.

Faced with the heroine's sister-in-law who is determined to be the queen and will do whatever it takes.

Xiao Yun: Stop fighting in the house and take good care of your sister. I will show you a real power struggle.

Facing the upright and courageous general, Naihe is the villain's retainer.

Xiao Yun: Everyone is dead. Think about your brothers and your long-lost daughter. You need a brand new job to help them!

Xiao Yun's series of plans were very successful.

He even deceived Mr. Xie, the father-in-law and son-in-law of Xie, who had not even been able to figure out the male protagonist in the book. He had talent and beauty, and a string of younger brothers and a generous dowry.

All it requires is a noble lady's waistcoat, a pleasurable love affair, and the words "The family is not allowed to marry out of town, and the man must have a Beijing household registration and be an official in the court."

Male protagonist’s perspective:

The eldest son of the Xie family has a talent for managing the world, but he is over twenty but has no job.

The clan is weak and the world is about to be in chaos. He does not want to get involved. He only wants to protect the clan and keep his family safe.

However, the admiring woman held his hand and said with tears in her eyes: "My family doesn't want me to marry outside, and requires the man to have a household registration in the capital, a farm and a house, and he must be a civil servant... I mean, he must have an official position." "

Before he could make a decision, she had left a token of engagement, saying that she would fight the family to the end, and then disappeared without a trace.

Not wanting the other party to be separated from him and his family, he finally agreed to serve as an official and took a carriage to the capital.

On the day of court.

Xie You was shocked to find that the young emperor sitting on the dragon throne had a face that was exactly the same as that of his fiancée.

ps: 1. The heroine does not dress up as a man throughout the whole process, wears a lady's vest, and does not dismount until she ascends the throne;

2. The male and female protagonists of the original work were young in the early stage and had little role in the drama. The main plot was the prince’s struggle to save the country;

3. The male protagonist is a perfect noble son, with a good family background, good looks, and a good mind, and has a good temper when facing the female protagonist.

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National Games Game: I am the Chinese God of War!

Author: Linyuan Moxian fish

If violence is not for the purpose of killing, it is meaningless! In the game "National Luck Survival", the blind Lu Yuan awakens the "National Luck Evolution System" and starts killing!

[Congratulations to Huaxia for obtaining 10 million tons of pure water] [Congratulations to Huaxia for obtaining all attributes +2 and life span +2 years] [Congratulations to Huaxia for obtaining the national guardian beast] [Congratulations to Huaxia for obtaining aerospace aircraft manufacturing technology] [Congratulations to Huaxia for obtaining aerospace aircraft manufacturing technology] country obtains

"Artificial Sun" Controlled Nuclear Fusion Technology] Dahan Country: "Lu Yuan is a descendant of our country, the Republic of Dahan, and the national sports rewards should be from the Republic of Dahan!" Sakura Country: "Report, China players are cheating!" Beautiful Country: "The development of China Too fast, we should unite to punish China!" China: "Everyone in China is like a dragon, what can you do to fight me?" Cherry Blossom Mountain sank, the Stars and Stripes fell, and a dragon rose from the east!

...Mastermind: "My mission is to destroy all countries. Why is China getting stronger and stronger? I will never allow it!" Lu Yuan: "If you have any tricks, just come over!" Then the game GM battled against the B players.

After Lu Yuan cleared the game, he realized that everything was just the beginning. In the dark cosmic jungle, a behemoth has reawakened!

"Our goal is the sea of ​​stars!"

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