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I am above the long river of time, overlooking the eternity!

Author: Rivers carry the moon

This is a great world that has revived from destruction! The Taoist fruits, honorable positions, and even the titles of immortals and Buddhas left over from the past!

It is no longer like a myth and out of reach. The spiritual tide has been rising for eight hundred years, and all living beings are fighting to survive! Martial arts myths, Taoist powers, peerless swordsmen, human sword sages... Mortals who may have been mediocre or even humble, stepped on the thorns and rode the waves to compete for glory in this great world!

Luo Jing traveled through this world and was born into a family of nobles and nobles in Tianhuang and Zhongmingdingshi. His appearance and appearance were all unparalleled. He was known as "Jinggongzi" to the world. He should have been able to take advantage of the wind and get a glimpse of the unparalleled beauty.

It's a pity that the great catastrophe is coming, the country is in turmoil, and the noble body will soon be reduced to nothing! It is impossible for one person to stop the tide. I thought I would just drift with the tide and become a rootless duckweed, but I didn't expect that things would turn around!

As the saying goes, a dream can reveal your true self! In reality, Luo Jing Youlin would have no power if the country fell.

But in the dream - he once walked side by side with the abandoned son of Jianchi, asked about the top of the snowy mountain, refined his magic power at the end of the old days, and was known as "the one who opened the way forward"; he once had a pot of strong wine and a heavenly sword. , in the "Era of Catastrophe", he became the peerless master of swordsmanship, and thousands of swordsmen worshiped him as if he were seeing a god; he once enlightened himself one night under the cold plum tree with blood, and with a flick of his sleeves, he suppressed three thousand evil obstacles in the world, and the whole world respected him as "Sir"; Qingcheng Mountain promises a person a white head; he also held the sword in the imperial capital, chatted and laughed with the saint, and had an irreversible friendship... At the same time, the world was turned upside down.

And when everything in the dream began to intersect with the real world... Luo Jing woke up and suddenly looked back - he had already transcended the years, overlooking the eternity!

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