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System, don’t worry! The spiritual energy has really not recovered!

Author: Don't cry don't cry

[Revival of Spiritual Energy + High Martial Arts + System + Side Push + Invincibility + Funny + Not the Holy Mother] \n [Congratulations to the host!

The host’s momentum is unparalleled! The peerless swordsman surrenders on his own initiative! Reward the Heavenly Sword Technique! 】\nLooking at the young man in front of him who is holding a wooden sword and has a stupid look on his face, shouting that he wants to teach him the supreme swordsmanship, Xiao Yao has black lines all over his head. You can see how he looks like a peerless swordsman.

\n[Congratulations to the host! The host is so powerful that he subdues the evil lord! Reward the Supreme Demon Golden Body!

】\nNo...I just take a bus, catch a thief, and become a uniformed demon lord?

\n[Congratulations to the host! The host's luck exploded, and he was delighted to receive the Red Sky Dragon Flame Fruit! Cultivation +999! 】\nXiao Yao took a bite of the big apple in his hand. Not to mention it was quite crispy and sweet. The problem was that there was another box in front of him. How to deal with this?

\n...\nA year later, the spiritual energy revived, the world changed drastically, the beasts turned into monsters, and the vegetation turned into spirits.

\nAn ancient immortal sect was born to suppress the world, take the common people as slaves, and overlook all living beings. \nBlue Star is devastated and plunged into dire straits.

\nXiao Yao bound the system in advance, and the spiritual energy had not yet recovered at this time. \nHe is crazily improving his realm in his daily life.

\nEating an apple is a spiritual creature in the future, and your realm will skyrocket. \nTeaching a naughty kid a lesson, and finding out he is the future sword master, he immediately fooled him.

\nHe helped an old lady subdue a pickpocket, and it turned out that he was a future evil lord. \nXiao Yao was overjoyed, his cultivation skyrocketed, and his peerless Kung Fu and martial arts skills were given to him.

\nWhen the spiritual energy is completely revived, the ancient immortal sect comes to the world and wants to enslave the people. \nBut I was surprised to find that there was a young man who ruled the world alone.


"Why does a peerless ancient saint exist in this mediocre world! Mom! I want to go home!"\n

"Hello! Ancient Sage! Goodbye! Ancient Sage!"


Author: Mt. Shonan

Ye Xiaocheng was born in the lowest lower realm of a large universe. With the help of the three guardians Dao Jing (the clone of the Great Emperor), the Void Mirror (the Supreme Emperor's weapon), and the Eight Innate Taboos (the soul of the Great Luo Jinxian), not only He grew up smoothly, and encountered constant adventures. All kinds of treasures came one after another. He practiced and ascended all the way. When he reached the immortal world, his luck was still overwhelming, and he continued to cultivate to the Immortal Emperor.

Behaviors such as helping others, being kind to others, rescuing the wounded, and being a hero to save beauties are all taboos in the world of immortality. The so-called

"A dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist." Only the protagonist maintains his innocence, builds a time and space channel with his innate magical power, consolidates the time and space channel with the eight innate prohibitions that he has fully understood, and successfully enters the great world.

But outside the portal of the great world, there is a huge realm. This realm is called the sky. There is a group of weird creatures living in the sky. The transcendent people of the major universes have endless fights with these weird and taboo things in the sky. Years of fighting have never opened the door to the great world.

Ye Xiaocheng's body originally had a trace of the blood of the innate beings, and it was precisely for this reason that he could communicate with the origin of the great world.

In this remote universe, Ye Xiaocheng went through countless reincarnations, but he was confused and failed to awaken the blood of the Holy Spirit. Finally, he was prompted by a trace of calamity to awaken, and received blessings from the heavens, and the Xuanfei Gate attached to him. A trace of the projection on his body also awakened, and began to communicate with the origin of the great world, helping Ye Xiaocheng understand his mission: to protect the great world from the next calamity...

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On the day of the blind date, the husband who got married was a billionaire boss

Author: Flowers are silent

Su Qian and her sister Su Yujie were adopted by the Su family when they were young. At the age of marriage, two major events happened.

\nThe first thing is that their biological family came to the door and wanted to take them back; \nThe second thing is that their biological family had decided on their next marriage a few years ago, and now they are about to get married.

\nLooking at the plainly dressed biological family and the impoverished betrothed, her sister Su Yujie chose to stay, refusing to go back with her biological parents and even reject the marriage.

\nSu Qian not only went home decisively with her parents and three brothers, but also directly received the certificate from her engagement partner Huo Zhongting.

\nMy sister and adoptive mother ridiculed Su Qian behind her back: "With three vampire brothers and a poor husband whose pockets are cleaner than his face, Su Qian's life will not be easy in the future!"\nSu Qian: "No matter how hard it is, it will still be worse than before. Be the best around you."\nAfter getting married, Su Qian lived her little life happily.

\nThe family is simple, but her parents and three brothers love her very much. \nWedding rings are cheap? A husband’s sincerity is rare.

\nNo brand for wedding dress? Still looking dazzling in your outfit! \nHer husband came to take Su Qian back to the villa wearing a limited edition Rolls-Royce. Su Qian discovered that her husband looked exactly like the leader of the Huo family?

\nWhat? three

The "blood-sucking" brothers are all big guys? \n (Flash marriage + group pet + marriage first, love later + the male protagonist is really fragrant + 1v1 double cleansing)

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