Week's Top


Wear it before escaping, cheat and make a fortune in silence

Author: Qianqian Mengmeng

(couple wears both) (men wear women) (women wear men)

Li Chuxue took out the pair of jade pendants just now and said: "Husband, men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha jade. What does this mean? What if the woman wears Guanyin? What if the man wears Buddha?"

Li Ning teased nonchalantly: "Shall we switch? In the next life, I will be your wife and bear children for you, and you will be my man and hold up the sky for me!"

Li Chuxue nodded happily: "Honey, it's settled, I will be a man in the next life, and you will be my woman!"

"Zashu, you are awesome today!"

Li Chuxue...? The name of his body is Zashu? ?

It sounds too ugly, too vulgar, right?

At this moment, he heard a soft and waxy little girl's voice in his mind:

"Congratulations to the host, I got a lot of likes today. Keep working hard and you will be able to cheat. The place you are in is a small world, and it is the small world where the author wrote the book!"

Cheng Haixiang just teased her, and now she remembered her daughter's nickname: "My mother, the military advisor named her Cheng Xiwen, so let's give her a nickname!"

"Okay, let's choose a nickname that's easy to adopt!" Zhao Jiasui nodded in agreement!

"Then, call your daughter Weed!"

"I think it works!" Zhao Jiasui agreed again!

Li Ning? ? What nickname? Is weed so unpleasant?

From then on, she became Cheng Xiwen, a loving couple and eight twin brothers named Panyu. As for whether there are people of the same race?

Douluo: Ning Rongrong summons players to dominate the continent

Author: Mizukoneko

(The full text is free to the end, welcome to join in) Transform into Ning Rongrong, your twin martial souls are innately full of soul power, and the golden finger can also summon players from other worlds!

The protagonist ascends to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and disappears? Impossible, directly unify the continent!

She smiled: What's the point of being a little princess? Of course I want to be the first queen of Douluo Continent!

Player: Go, go, go, Ning Rongrong, my wife/female goose, punch Wuhundian and kick Shrek! The Qibao Glazed Sect is the coolest! Today is also a day to shed blood for the sect.

Shrek:? ? ?

Wuhundian:? ? ?

Ning Rongrong waved, and the player quickly dropped a large explosive pack, Gatling on the left and right, rocket launcher on the right, and the missile was also positioned.

"By the way, what were you just going to say?"

Tang San & Bibi Dong: It’s not that I don’t have it!

I don’t believe how someone dares to speak while stepping on explosives and having a rocket launcher hit their head!

In those years, players started from chemistry and physics in Douluo Continent, crazily developed the technology tree and smashed the indigenous people to have a happy life. Does anyone really think that soul skills can stop machine gun fire?

Ning Rongrong: Can you guys stop doing a lot of crazy things every day? Tired.

The main CP Ning Rongrong and the system are still simple and funny in daily writing, but there are few emotional lines. The three dancers are worthy of each other, and may not be friendly to Shrek Spirit Hall. The heroine is the favorite of all players and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. If you have your own original plot, please forgive me for any changes.

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Senior brother doesn’t want to practice swordsmanship

Author: Drunk in spring wine


Xue Cuo is the eldest brother of Tianyi Sect. He can go around the sect three times even at a young age.

He has a widowed mother who looks like a chicken baby, a father who is devoted to Taoism, and a boss who is resurrected by Buddhism. Xue Cuo grew up very difficult.

The world of cultivation is very chaotic, with fighting, killing, and intrigues.

Xue Cuo has worked very hard since he was a child to "get involved" with the monks from his sect and even the entire Eastern China. He only did some trivial work, but he has a lot of repeaters calling him Senior Brother, as well as a painting style and The king of monsters who is different from others.

Xue Cuo: Upgrade, cultivate immortality, and become a boss.

King: Kill you (bidong) I will definitely beat you in this life (come closer fiercely) You'd better not be attacked by others (nose tips touching)

Xue Cuo: Ah, ah, perverted


Snow is falling in the world.

Cover a monument.

The tombstone is a monument without words, the tree is a vine-wrapped tree, the weather is cold and the ground is cold, and there are so many people. The little demon asked his king: "Your Majesty, who do we come here to see every day?"

The king, with long eyelashes and falling snow, replied: "The number one enemy in the sky."

Although he was an enemy, the king came every day to clear the snow, add wine, and offer incense. Later, he transformed into a prototype and stood by the monument.

Another year in the middle of winter, Xue Cuo came back to dig his own grave. His head was covered with snowflakes, and he was digging vigorously. Suddenly, he noticed that the snowy mountain on his grave moved, revealing an animal eye.

Xue Cuo and the king were stunned at the same time.

A gust of wind blows, snowflakes fall, and everyone in the world turns white.

The quirky x the handsome monster king

Xue Cuo x Yin Feixue

【Received Appears in the Human World】

[Pre-received article] After my divorce, I went home to farm. QvQ, please collect it!

【Reading Guide】

1. A slow-burn plot, written since Gong was a child.

2. Try to update every day (please comment and don’t gain weight)

3. Think of adding more.

4. Not suitable for party control.

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