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Put aside the arrogant cinnabar mole, I choose the precious white moonlight

Author: Not coming back in June

Deep love is not enough, only mutual love is enough.

It took Gu Yifan, who was lying dying on the hospital bed, a whole lifetime to understand this truth!

After a car accident, Gu Yifan thought he was about to die...

When he opened his eyes, he found thousands of students staring at him.

A swearing-in meeting?

Was he caught confessing his love to his childhood sweetheart and the school beauty?

A school-wide review?

Gu Yifan found that he was reborn and returned to the day of the swearing-in meeting.

In the previous life, it was on this day that I confessed my love to my childhood sweetheart, Han Ning, in front of all the teachers and students of the school!

Of course the result was rejected!

Failed to express love, frustrated in studies, life plummeted...

Standing at the crossroads of destiny again.

In this life, Gu Yifan decided not to be a licking dog anymore!

In front of all the teachers and students in the school, Gu Yifan shouted out the words from the bottom of his heart: Han Ning, I don't love you anymore!

It wasn't until Gu Yifan let go and met his treasure Bai Yueguang - Su Qinghe, that Han Ning started to get anxious.

"Gu Yifan, why are you ignoring me recently?"

"Gu Yifan, why don't we still be good friends like before?"

"Gu Yifan, if you apologize to me now, I will reluctantly consider forgiving you!"

Gu Yifan first glanced at Su Qinghe, who was following him silently, and then glanced at her lightly: "Tsundere cinnabar mole? Sorry, I choose treasure Bai Yueguang!"

Weird and hard to kill? Sorry, I am truly immortal

Author: six gourds

[Death Rewind + Predict the Future + Kill the Virgin First + Dark Writing Style + Weird Resurrection] Accidentally traveled to a strange and invaded world, and then awakened the ability of death rewind, which is also called time reversal.

Every time he dies, time goes back to the time before his death. In this strange world full of dangers, he could have kept quiet, but he chose to announce to the world that, yes, I am a prophet and I can predict the future!

When predictions are confirmed again and again, the name of the prophet resounds throughout the world, and his words are the truth and the future.

The sentence "I have seen the future" makes people all over the world flock to it. Fang Xiu's followers even bluntly said that if one day the prophet tells you to die, don't hesitate or question, please die immediately, because there must be a more terrifying death waiting for you later.

B-level weird event, [Tricky] Teammate: The weirdness is hidden among these villagers, you must be careful to explore.

Fang Xiu: "The one in the white clothes in the last row, that's you, come out!" A-level weird event, [Human Head Lantern] Teammate 1: There are thousands of human head lanterns in this area. Once the light is illuminated, heads will fall to the ground. The scary thing is that the lantern with human heads is floating irregularly, and it is impossible for anyone to walk past it, hey!

Where is Fang Xiu? Teammate 2: He, he...he is on the opposite side! Teammate 1: What! ? How did he get there?

Teammate 2: Walk...walk over.

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Top-notch artist dressed as a married princess

Author: Qingge of the prosperous age

[The main text is over, the extra story continues. 】

[Collect the author’s column in the upper right corner! Save the manuscript "The King of Volumes Regulates Substitute Literature"]

Chen Xueying is a well-known acting queen who specializes in testing the loyalty of boyfriends for Bai Fumei clients. Wherever she goes, tragedy is everywhere and scumbags appear one after another.

In the end, she was brutally retaliated by the scumbag, and she slipped into a certain crematorium article about chasing his wife, becoming cannon fodder who could not survive more than three chapters.

As an exotic princess who was forced to get married, she eloped with her lover on the way to get married. As a result, she was caught on the spot by the groom's male lead and was nailed to a cliff with a dagger. Chen Xueying was not afraid at all.

Looking at the man approaching with a sharp knife in his hand, she couldn't help but frown and said angrily: "Did you not eat? A turtle can walk faster than you!"

The man was slightly startled, but she had already taken away the dagger in his hand and used it as a bronze mirror.

"This damn weather has ruined all my makeup. You'd better bring the rouge from Jixiang Pavilion and the pearl powder ground from the Dongzhu tribute from the feudal state, otherwise my face will rot!"

She firmly believes that men cannot be accustomed to them, and once they become accustomed to them, they will not know the heights of the world.

Even if the man in front of me is suspicious by nature and has a lump on his head, he is the standard male protagonist in literature with pink eye syndrome (red eyes that make him go crazy at every turn).

Facts have proved that Zuo can cure all diseases.

For example, the male protagonist was criticized for not being red-eyed or out of breath, but turned into a loyal dog, and even begged her not to ignore her at every turn.

The prince of Northern Qi was originally a wolf with great resourcefulness, but he was trained into a loyal dog by a woman.

Reading tips:

1. The heroine and the second heroine both travel through time, go hand in hand, and live together in ancient times.

The text of "The King of Volumes Censors Substitute Literature" is as follows

Zhao Manzhen is the king of involution. She can make her colleagues cry, make her boss lose her job, and put her boss in the hospital. She can be called the King of Hell in the workplace.

She also knew that this was a bad habit, but she had no choice but to develop this habit since she was a child. When she was in school, she was involved in the whole school.

Perhaps because of retribution, she passed into the heroine of a heart-throb novel. The heroine in the novel was the most beautiful woman in Wangjing, the flower of the high mountains, but she was engaged to the prince of an enemy country.

Countless Wangjing dignitaries lamented that the female partner dressed by Zhao Manzhen was very similar to the heroine, so it was logical that one of the male protagonists regarded her as the heroine's stand-in, and eventually she was tortured to death.

As soon as she walked in, she was sold to the male protagonist by her cheap dad. Faced with the male protagonist's crazy expression of emotion, her radar immediately went off wildly.

What's the point of being a substitute for the female protagonist for only one male protagonist? There are several male protagonists in this book, as well as countless male supporting characters who admire the female protagonist, don't they all have to be together?

If she cheats one person, she is cheating, if she cheats a group of people, she is a listed company, and she has to fish the entire fish pond!

The little queen is soft and sweet

Author: Nuotang

When she was a child, Xiao Chayin imitated the newly raised kitten and licked the wounds of brother Jingqing who fought for her.

The half-grown little boy looked at the kitten-like little baby in his arms, and the tips of his ears turned red quietly, but he didn't want to be caught by his little sister, so he angrily put his hands on his hips and asked if he disliked her saliva.

The little boy hesitated to say no.


Many years later, Cha Yin asked brother Jing Qing to help her apply medicine to the wound on Hua Guan’s skin behind her ear.

The young man who had just climbed over the wall took the ointment, tossed it to the side, and responded with a deep smile. He came behind the delicate little person, went to her neck, licked the small wounds, and sniffed it. Her sweet and waxy daughter fragrance.

The little man's pink cheeks suddenly turned red, and his breasts fiercely pushed away the naughty boy.

Before the little man could groan, the young man smiled evilly and said confidently, "What's the expression on Yinyin's face? Do you dislike my saliva?"

The little girl remembered the stupid things she had done when she was a child, her dimples became more and more red, and she pushed the bad boy away in embarrassment, but he took the opportunity to pull him softly into his arms.

[Book Friends Group Number: 792565837] There are many activities in the group, and there are surprises from time to time. Welcome to communicate~

On a variety show where everyone is sick, I am crazy and healthy

Author: Purple gold name

(Also known as: including me, everyone is a rebel)

As soon as Yu Mumu retired, he was informed by the system that he had gone through the book: "Host, the good news is that you have suddenly become rich, the bad news is that you have been prostituted for nothing, hee hee~~~"

Shameful prostitution! The upright Yu Mumu suddenly became angry and tore up the cannon fodder script. From today on, she will teach everyone what it means to be upright!

The original owner had a lot of resentment, but he played a good hand to pieces? It doesn't matter, she will take action!

On a variety show, Yu Mumu, who is known as the rebellious son of the entertainment industry, broke the news that the original male and female co-stars all appeared in the battle: "Mumu, aren't we friends?"

"Hey, so you definitely didn't mean to prostitute me for free before. We are all good friends. By the way, free prostitutes are really annoying."

Netizens were immediately filled with questions. No, sister, what are you talking about? Please wake up, please. When you used to have sex with others for nothing, your teeth were almost exposed.

Host interview: What does Ms. Yu think about her frequent hot searches?

Yu Mumu responded obediently: Use your eyes to see, is it possible to see with your hands?

Netizen: Sister, how do you pretend to be a good student and say such naughty things?

Heizi couldn't even count her crimes. A living merman in the entertainment industry sighed and shook his head: Bad review! She is so fast when it comes to eating melons. Hey, this is an invincible and lonely life~

Did the original heroine ban her? Just kidding, she is the new most beautiful housekeeper, so of course she just throws money, money, and money.

The man next door who was determined to serve the Buddha for the rest of his life heard the devilish laughter of Yu Mumu every day.

Finally, at ten o'clock one night, he sat up and said: No, he didn't sleep in the middle of the night. This person must be really sick!

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