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Strange arrival: starting with trillions of ghost coins

Author: Sister, don't be like this

[Weird + apocalypse + god + underworld currency + rules + no heroine + funny + fast-paced and refreshing article (7 chapters of buying weird scenes, buying and selling without ink all the way, buying the whole city with 200,000 words)] Weird The apocalypse is coming, evil and evil spirits are rampant within the rules, and evil spirits are unable to kill people. When countless people are struggling to survive in the apocalypse, carefully looking for a way out within the rules, Chen Mu starts with trillions of ghost coins. Money can make evil spirits grind, and in the strange end of the world, , Ming coins are real hard currency!

While others were fighting over a few dark coins, Chen Mu had already started the coin-spending mode: Dark Night College?

purchase! Death hospital? purchase! Evil mall? purchase! Each and every strange scene was captured by Chen Mu.

————————————————————The female trickster in red over there seems to be quite strong, why not buy it too.

Female spy in red: How dare a mere human enslave me? Chen Mu: Annual salary of one million Ming coins, a luxury car, insurance, and double annual leave.

The female ghost in red (with a flattering face): Master, when do you think you are going to enslave me? ——————————————————————In the weird scene, Chen Mu broke the rules. Evil: You broke the rules. Have you thought about how you will die?

Chen Mu: Let me tell you a number, five hundred million! Buy the weird scene! Evil: Your words are the rules.

No one knows the rules better than you.

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